

Lots of the clothes I make and sell on my Etsy site are appliqued. I'm loving the appliques with frayed edges right now, great look. So, a friend of mine is the Grand Poobah of a kids' lacrosse league and they had a big tournament weekend recently. Normally at these tournaments, whatever the sport, they have vendors selling....stuff your kids think they need. My friend asked if I could come up with something I could make and sell for the girls as she had a vendor selling boys things. Two hours later I was immersed in lacrosse. A simple idea formed and away we go. I sold T-shirts and flip flops, everything sold fairly well and the weather and the people were great. It was a good weekend. My very favorite idea though was a t-shirt I made for the little ones, size 2-4. The appliques are made of fabric with the frayed edges and on the sizes 8 (kids) and up to XL (adults) I simply put LAX but on the little ones I spelled out Lil Stix. Too cute and you know I sold all of those. I did get a picture of one little cutie pie wearing his shirt.


The Bee said...

omg - too cute! Are you going to be selling any of those LAX shirts on your etsy shop?