
Romantic Cruise

Wouldn't you love to be going on a cruise right now? Oh, me too, someplace warm and sunny. I need some sunshine and sand between my toes right now. My girlfriend went on an island cruise last year and she said it was the most relaxing, romantic getaway she has ever had. Well, of course, her man proposed to her on the first night on board! She came home with a great tan, a new straw bag and beautiful diamond on her finger!
As far as proposals go, this was a good one. Far better than proposing in a dark, crowded, very loud nightclub.... nevermind. Though it doesn't beat a proposal during a surprise picnic by the water with all of your favorite snack foods after being blindfolded during transport. Recently we had a congressman take his girl out for a boat ride and had a planned helicopter drop in by the state police during which he proposed. Pretty elaborate. Raised a ruckus with the constituents too. He ended up paying $$$ for the waste of the helicopter and the police. I bet she'll never forget it though!
Do you have a great proposal story? Oh come on and share, it's just us.


Anonymous said...

Wish I did, but I don't...::sigh::

Me-Me King said...

I'm in the same boat as Grace...pun intended.

Sandee said...

Well, I married my boss. It's not a fantastic story, but I was one happy girl being asked. We are still married and happier than ever.

Have a terrific day. :)

Jen said...

When my ex proposed to me I already knew it was coming. We had chosen the ring but he had not officially asked or given it to me. We were moving and packing up the house. He put the ring for me to find in his motorcycle. There was a little pocket on the back of the front seat that I usually put my sunglasses in. I had asked him a few day earlier if he had seen them. While packing he told me to check the pocket because he thought the sunglasses were in there. I was busy and suggested if he knew they were there he could just grab them for me. He started getting irritated but since we were moving and packing I didn't think much of it. Next he asked me to grab the cushions off the couch. I told him I would get to them when I had finished packing the kitchen. Again he got pissed and stormed off. We fought the rest of the day. Little did I know he was hiding the ring in all these places. We ordered take out and he shoved the ring in the box of rice, expecting me to find it. I don't think I had ever seen him as frustrated as when I told him I didn't want any rice because I was trying to cut back on carbs. He about exploded and told me to "take some damn rice, NOW!" We got divorced three years after we got married.

Together We Save said...

I wish I did...

Ann said...

no fancy proposals for me "SIGH"

BeadedTail said...

I can't remember back that far!

Unknown said...

Nope....but the cruise one sure sounds dreamy...

Liz Mays said...

I wish I had a special story like that to tell!

Grampy said...

Nothing fancy with mine. Guess I am not very Romantic.

injaynesworld said...

A proposal would have been nice. And a big ol' rock would have been really great. Actually, I would have adored a massive fairytale wedding... The only hitch? I never really wanted to get married as evidenced by the commitment-phobe men I always chose. Still... a proposal would have been nice.