
Leggo My Eggo!

Stop whatever you are doing now and head to the store! Trust me here there is a catastrophe upon us! Yes, believe it or not there is an imminent shortage on Eggo frozen waffles. I know, how will we get by? The shortage is not expected to ease up until summer of 2010! What? How did such a thing happen in the frozen food world? How will we feed the children? What will I do with my apple butter in the morning? All valid questions. The answers, I'm afraid are dismal.

Get to your local wholesale club, tout de suite, buy all the Eggos you can fit in your freezer. Hurry, the word is out. If you end up with overstock, who knows, maybe you can make a little extra pocket money on the black market. Mums the word, I did not suggest that!

Apparently one of the factories (bakeries?) which produces Eggos is shut down temporarily for repairs. Another factory, in Atlanta, had a problem in September with bacteria in the process. Thousands of Eggos were recalled and the plant was shut down and put through a lengthy sterilization. Just as they completed the cleaning, heavy rains flooded the area and the clean up had to be repeated.

I read about one woman who has stockpiled 8 boxes of Eggos and is planning to ration them, hopefully she will make it through. Let us ignore for a moment that there is no nutritional value in an Eggo waffle (this coming from the McDonald's cheeseburger fan).

May I suggest an alternative? A little out there, but in case of emergency we do what we must. You can get this Oster waffle maker at Target for only $19.99! You could spend an hour making waffles, maybe using whole wheat flour, and stack them in the freezer. Since half the country is out of work anyway, it's a good use of time, more nutritious AND you'll save money! I know, I told you it was a crazy idea.


Daisy said...

We read about the Eggo shortage! If you get a waffle maker, you can even buy "Batter Blaster" which is batter in a can, just squirt it on the waffler maker. It's delicious!

Me-Me King said...

Oh, noooooo! What will I do with all this pure maple syrup I ordered? Thanks for the tip - I'm off to Costco.

Prayers4Theresa said...

I just had toaster waffles for "dinner" last night! Thanks for the remind that I need to stock up! hee hee!

Ann said...

So are you going all Martha Stewart on us now with the home made waffles with whole wheat flour?....lol

Anonymous said...

I too read that in the paper this morning - haven't had Eggo's in a long time - I like waffles and pancakes but they are a PITA to make - especially for breakfast - I can't see straight for at least 2 hours after I get up, much less make waffles...LOL

Liz Mays said...

I just heard this last night and it's so funny that something so inane is made to be so important!

Jac @ Wuzzle Makes Three said...

Oh my! An Ego shortage?! I have to call my husband and warn him!! (I'm sure he will die of laughter actually...)

Rick (Ratty) said...

I've never tasted an Eggo waffle, though I do like homemade waffles very much. I always imagine the Eggos tasting kind of like cardboard. One other thing I have never even thought of trying is putting apple butter on a waffle. I wish it would have occurred to me before because it actually sounds very delicious. I'm going to try it this weekend for the first time ever.

BeadedTail said...

I had no idea about an Eggo shortage - wonder if the price will skyrocket like it does with gas when there's an oil shortage. Crazy!

Unknown said...

Hadn't heard about the shortage and I was just at the grocery store yesterday........WOE IS ME!!

Stacie said...

I saw this on another blog yesterday. I can't believe they are going to be out of eggo waffles. You would think they would come up with a back up plan. LOL Looks like the kids will have to put up with my waffles now.

Jude said...

I don't think I ever ate a Eggo so I doubt the shortage will bother me. Which reminds me homemade waffles and stewed chicken is good and I haven't had that in awhile, hmmm maybe dinner.

Think With Your Taste Buds - Chicken said...

Not only is this waffle make good for waffles, it's also great for making grilled sandwiches. I've had one for several years and use it as often for sandwiches as I do for waffles, if not more.

Nathan said...

I had no idea there was an eggo shortage! Craziness!

I wanted to let you know that Cute as a Buggy was presented with the Best Blog Award over at www.wild-facts.com .

Congratulations and keep up the great work!

Mom's Cafe Home Cooking said...

I heard about the eggo shortage and just shook my head. Your solution to use a waffle maker is just perfect and it is a frugal choice all the way around. If you wanted you could make several ahead of time and freeze them for the convenience of eggos but considerably cheaper!

Surfie said...

Oh no! First pumpkin, and now THIS? We're all going to starve! I've never tried apple butter on a waffle before, but what a delicious idea. I'd love to have an Eggo right now with some pumpkin butter on it. Mmmm...

Maria @ Conversations with Moms said...

My son will not be happy. I love your alternate choice though.

MikeWJ at Too Many Mornings said...

Are you out of your mind, woman? Make your own nutritional waffles using whole wheat flour and an inexpensive waffle iron? This idea is so subversive, it's practically un-American. If you suddenly disappear, I guess we'll know why. And so will the folks who make Eggo's.