
Take a Memo Monday

To: The Matriarchs

From: The Martha Stewart of Pasadena

Re: The recent party at MY house

Yes, I do have lots of room at my house. It's a great party house. I do love throwing parties and I have done so, successfully, many, many times. When you called to ask if I would be willing to host a surprise birthday party, I was delighted to do so. Immediately after that phone call is when things started going south!

**Major eye roll...ouch**

I was looking forward to planning a party, the theme, the cake, the decorations. I was really enjoying myself for the 5 minutes that I felt I had some say in this party. Oh, I had such a beautiful cake planned, the crowning jewel in the whole theme! I had purchased some of the supplies I would be needing; a couple of new cake pans in the proper shape. This cake would make The Ace Of Cakes salivate! Well, that is until the phone call when I discovered that, no, I would not be making the cake because someone else was going to be doing that!?@#!*

**Ooohhh is that smoke coming out of MY ears?**
The few calls I received after that to check on progress were kind of silly. I did take it upon myself to assign small tasks to 2 people who called me and offered to help. Both of those assignments were followed by changes on the part of the Matriarchs. Because, as anyone knows, my 55 year old sil will "not know where to get" fresh fruit to make a fruit tray. Huh? But, of course, I was being a little b*tchy because I refused to make any more decisions.
**Ooopsie! I just felt my nostrils flaring, I think I noticed flames spewing forth.**
So basically, I made some soup, a ham, cookies and brownies. I bought plates and cups and cleaned the bathrooms. Oh, I also dusted and vaccuumed...because, I guess, I'm good at that at least.
An entire hour and a half prior to the party time the Matriarchs arrive. Bags and food and bowls in tow. Tossing orders to plug it in, make a space, get a bowl, find some spoons, put this in the oven, this needs refrigerating. I hadn't even finished doing my own prep and dish washing!
**Where's my damn ice pick? Self .induced. lobotomy.NOW**
Meanwhile, Buggy girl had spent the night and was excited about a party and playing with all of her cousins. We designated a room for the little girls and put some toys and fun stuff in there. When the first few guests arrived *sans kids*, I discovered that someone had designated this as "no kids"! Sunday afternoon! WTF? No one bothered to tell me that! Buggy was kind of upset, me too!
Buggy and I went out on the deck and stayed out of that kitchen for the rest of the day! I refused to go back in there, sue me!

60th Birthday Cake

Here is the cake I was planning to make. Instead we had a perfectly adequate chocolate cake of the "over the hill" variety. A bit overdone, especially for a 50th. Whatever.

Memo Monday came from Staci over at Just Bloggled, check out her blog for more.


The Bee said...

Wow, I had no idea what I walked into huh? No wonder you wanted us to stay longer.

And it must be said that I'm sure you're actually being far too nice. I can't wait to hear the detailed scoop.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! I'm sure there is more detail to this! Poor Don


Lee said...

Okay..if you REALLY want to make that cake, I guess I will let you make it for me ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness - this really happened? I was thinking it was one of those web type thingies ala "Martha Stewart will not be having Thanksgiving with us this year"

Can you really make a cake like that? Wowzie!

Lin said...

Oh, pally, you've got to start practicing the word "NO" over and over again in front of a mirror. I hate when I'm nice and get walked all over like that. Sheesh.

Will you make that cake for me instead???

jude8753 said...

I also thought it was going to be a joke of some sort. Man I feel really bad for you and little Buggy girl.

MikeWJ at Too Many Mornings said...

I couldn't eat a cake like that. Too fancy. Give me the routine chocolate variety any day.

Ann said...

Oh wow, that stinks. That would have been one heck of cake that I sure would have loved to have had.

Me-Me King said...

Uh, ohhhh. Sounds as if a few folks may have crossed the line. Well, at least you and Buggy girl had a nice time together.

BTW, I'm curious about fondant. Do you really need one of those big-ass roller machines to flatten it out?

Unknown said...

Gee...they really missed out. What a gorgeous cake....still taking orders????

Staci said...

Maybe you should make the cake as a reward to yourself for surviving the Matriarch party. However, if it really came out that cute, it would be too cute to eat. I think I would just sit there & ooh & awe at it.

I left directions in my reply to your comment on how to get the pic to work (link to it on PB and how to do image tags). Looks like it didn't work. Sorry. I'll have to do the badge kind of link. I'll see if it will let me add it in now.

Staci said...

Ok, the code is part of the post now. I'll do that from now on so all you have to do is cut and paste. So sorry!

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

Who would pass up that cake for a plain boring chocolate cake? CRAZY!
Bet next time they call the answer will be no, huh? =)

Maria @ Conversations with Moms said...

What an incredible story. The cake looks like it would have been delicious if it was made.