
Ski Patrol To The Rescue!

The other day I was in my basement looking around at all the crap for an old webcam and I came across some family vacation pictures in a box. When I say family vacation I am talking about extended family; my three sisters, husbands, all the neices and nephews and generally a couple of friends as well. We travel in packs. It's always more fun with the whole group! The picture above is one of our skiing holidays at Wisp ski resort at Deep Creek Lake. We have been to Deep Creek Lake many times over the years, it's a fun place in any season.

Featured prominently above is my sister Sherri, yes, the one with the soft cast on her leg. None of us are exactly Jean-Claude on skis but Sherri, well, you want to avoid her at all cost. A kamikaze with the ski poles! Ski with her at your own risk....she will take you down with her. She's done it to me.

As I recall this incident happened on day 1 of a week long vacation. We were just warming up, getting in a groove, on a beginners run and down she went! I came around a bend and noticed a familiar heap on the side of the trail, nope she wasn't getting to the bottom under her own power. Off I went to to get the ski patrol. I had forgotten to bring my camera with me and I'm so angry with myself for not getting pictures of her coming down the hill on a stretcher!

You know I grabbed the camera before I took her to the emergency room! Oh, relax, it's not like she had a bone sticking out of her leg or anything! I couldn't help laughing at her sitting in a wheel chair at the hospital. It was such a cliche! Oh, you know, she pulled a ligament, nothing serious. She refused pain killers as we had plenty of the liquid variety back at the chalet.

Really, knowing Sherri, this was perfect because it got her out of cooking or doing dishes all week! Don't scoff, I know her.


Lin said...

I love a family that can have fun over a busted leg!

Long and Foster said...

Glad to see the accident didn't ruin your trip to Deep Creek Lake, it's such a great place to visit.

MikeWJ at Too Many Mornings said...

If you can't laugh at your sister when she's in the hospital, who can you laugh at? Good times!

Ann said...

What is family for if not to take pictures of EVERY event. The more embarrassing the better....lol

Jen said...

THAT is why I don't ski.

BeadedTail said...

Boy am I glad I'm an only child! LOL

Me-Me King said...

When learning to ski, the instructor told my dad, "Some people are just better off waiting at the lodge". I was a little pigeon-toed and my tips kept crossing...down I'd go. Oh, the humiliation!

Grampy said...

I like to look out the lodge window at the skiers.
Happy Valentine's Day. I have an award for you.

Unknown said...

A "kamikaze" with ski poles...lol! That would most definitely be me.

I must admire the folks in Vancouver doing the "Moguls" course of whatever you call it. I would be so busted up....you'd think I was a block of wood!

another sister said...

What a perfect picture! Unbelievably this wasn't the only time one of our party ended up at the hosiptal. Cousin Kim landed there too. Same trip?!