
Happy Sunday

Yesterday we went to the wedding of longtime friend of our family, one of our daughter's best friends. She and my daughter decided they really needed to wear falsh eyelashes. I guess they were going for that sultry look, or they were bored the other day and went shopping. The only time I have ever attempted falsh eyelashes was for halloween one year, great party, eyelashes not so great.

These they didn't go for...


Oh yes, this is what they were going for....



Stacie said...

LOL Looks like one fell off. I have never worn them before.

Maria@Conversations with Moms said...

The last picture is hilarious. I've never worn one before and judging by the pictures, probably won't attempt to either.

Anonymous said...

hilarious! i could never put those things on - too close to the eye! lol

Lin said...

LOL!! That is what I imagine would happen to me if I wore them--that's why I don't.

How are you feeling?? How's Dad?? I'm back from vacation catching up and doing about 4700 loads of laundry so I need to catch up on everyone. Yikes.

The Bee said...

Well, I think you're daughter sounds like a terribly senisble fashionista. Why glob on the mascara and take the chance of it running during the tear-jerking ceremony. Might as will stick on the fakies - at least they dont smudge!

Life Moto said...

jsut passing by to have a visit to your cute site. have a nice day!