
Baby Colton

Three weeks ago little Colton was born to my nephew and his wife. Colton arrived a couple of months early and weighed in at just 3 lbs.! Colton is having some problems, as most preemies do and last week he was transferred to another, area hospital for surgery. They implanted a shunt (reservoir) in his head to collect spinal fluid and blood, which was pooling in his ventricles, and allow this to be absorbed into his body. From what I hear, this is not too uncommon with preemies, though heartbreaking that these little ones have to endure such things. 
Colton is doing his best to go home with Mom & Dad. Apparently he is a healthy eater because he is now up to 4 lbs. 10 oz.!! I had a message this morning that the Doctors are discussing another surgery for him but I have no details yet.
Colton needs all of the prayers and well wishes you can send his way! Please, think good thoughts for him and help to get him on his way home with his family.


Me-Me King said...

Awww, little Colton is in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Poor little thing - like he knows what's going on. Prayers and good thoughts for Colton

Ann said...

Consider it done. Thoughts and prayers are on their way. What a little sweetheart

spinninglovelydays said...

Praying for baby Colton. Sounds like he's a real fighter though. :)

blankPixels said...

My heart goes out to Colton and his parents. It's really heart-breaking to see this but I can clearly see he's got a very strong will to survive all that he's been through. I agree, he's a fighter.

I am one of those who will be praying for his recovery and I am praying that he'll survive and grow old so he can get to know his family.

Jude said...

Little guy looks like a fighter God love him and we will definitely be saying some prayers for little Colton.

Unknown said...

Good thoughts, special prayers and loads of support for baby Colton and his family.

May God keep him and members of his family strong, sane a well aware of how many T-ball games they're gonna have to endure in the next 5 or 6 years :-)

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

Will def be praying for him!!

BeadedTail said...

My thoughts and prayers are with little Colton and his family!

joy said...

Will be praying For his fast recovery.

Daisy said...

Harley and I are sending our best purrs for little Colton!

Lou said...

I'm hoping that baby Colton can come home with his loving parents soon!


Ruth said...

Awww what a cutie! I hope he can go home soon.

Grampy said...

My thoughts and prayers are with little Colton. May he have a speedy recovery.I am sending healing and strength to Colton and the family.

Anonymous said...
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GagayMD said...

oh no!!! my prayers to Colton!! hugsy baby!!!

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MaiThreeBoyz said...

We are praying for his health and full recovery so he can come home with his mom and dad. God Bless, Colton!

Kathy said...

Hey, there, little man! Welcome to the world! Weight gain is good, so you keep at it Colton (and what a great name!)

Liz Mays said...

I will most definitely pray for that darling little baby!

Lin said...

Go, little Colton, Go! We are praying that you get well and grow strong!

Frogs in my formula said...

He and your family are most certainly in my prayers. Grow strong!