
Black Friday Burglary

Two years ago, on Thanksgiving Friday, something happened to me that "only happens to other people". At the time, my house was on the market, the realtor's sign in the front yard. My husband had left early that morning for a short, out of town trip. I spent the morning cleaning up from the festivities the prior day. Around noon, I left to go pick up my Buggy girl and we went out to lunch. Yes, to McD's for a happy meal of course!

We were enjoying our nuggets and happily chattering when my realtor called. He had just received a phone call from the county police and they were trying to get hold of me. Someone had broken into my house! I was only away for maybe an hour! What?? It was the middle of the day on a day when almost no one is at work! My brain was spinning. We packed up and headed for home. I sent Buggy with the neighbors to play while I met with the police.

Moments after I left 2 guys put a brick through my basement door window and helped themselves. They went up into my bedroom (my BEDROOM! Yuck!) and took our change jug. You know, the giant water jug that we all dump our spare change in. Let me tell you, I hadn't cashed that change in years, it was HEAVY!

They quickly discovered how heavy it was, they only carried it as far as my neighbors' driveway. They called their driver for a pickup. Well, my neighbor had heard the noise of the breaking window and called the police while she watched the thieves from her window. The police arrived as the scumbags were loading the money jug into the getaway car. BUSTED!

Repercussion for the thieves you ask? The driver got a slap on the hand. Thief #1 got 6 months and ordered to pay restitution. Thief #2, who was also carrying a concealed weapon, got house arrest (he had health issues!) which he blew off after a month, and he was also ordered to pay restitution. It took police several weeks to find him and put him behind bars for the second time. Prior to trial he agreed to plead guilty and serve 18 months. When this goes in front of a judge, the judge suspended 6 months of the 18 (why?) and gave him credit for some time served (yeah, at home shooting heroin).

I no longer save spare change in my house. I always keep my doors locked when I'm home, even during the day. There are certainly worse things to go through but having your home violated leaves you feeling too vulnerable. Have I seen a penny of the restitution from either of these lowlifes? I think I'll make a call on that today. Maybe ruin their holiday this year.


Unknown said...

omg, i can't imagine...as you said you just feel violated and unsafe in your own home...wow.
I am glad they were caught.

Lee said...

So scary! I had someone steal my bike out of my garage in the middle of the day when I was home!! They found the bike and arrested the dude, who had 7 other burglary counts against him. He is resting comfortably in a jail cell.

Ann said...

OMG that is so scary. Yes it could have been worse but that is bad enough. And why, do they give crooks a break. That is just rediculous.

Daisy said...

Yikes! I am glad they were caught at least. We always leave our doors and windows locked.

JD at I Do Things said...

Yikes! (Oops, I see Daisy already said that!) Anyway, "health issues"??? WTH?

We leave our windows open but have never had a problem. The former owners told us the neighborhood was so safe they left the house unlocked, but we're not quite that trusting.

Unknown said...

I loathe house burglars....think they should be shot on the spot. How dare someone think they can come in MY house and make off with MY things.

Jude said...

Go ahead and call, but I doubt it will do any good. The criminals always seem to be protected, they have more rights than anyone.

BeadedTail said...

Glad they were caught but sure doesn't seem like the punishment fit the crime. Thankfully no one was home or caught them in the act so no one was hurt.

The Peach Tart said...

How scary.

Anne said...

I can't even imagine how awful that was for you. Thank goodness the people were caught. Unfortunately, the court system is often better with the accused than the innocent.

Me-Me King said...

Holy moly! How awful for you. I know I would be mad as hell if this ever happened to me. I would feel so violated. I so happy you were not at home during this time, one guy had a gun!

On the other hand, I imagine if you had been at home, those guys would have looked pretty funny with their asses kicked up around their shoulder blades.

Staci said...

I leave my doors locked & my alarm on during the day, unless I'm cleaning in the kitchen. Then I have to turn the alarm off because I've set it off before just by dropping a box of dog biscuits. People are too crazy these days not to keep your doors locked.

Contact the solicitor or ADA who was handling your case. Maybe they can call the guys in on contempt of court. However, having been a law clerk, they probably won't do much than add a little extra onto next month's payment, which you probably won't see either. Judges only seem to care that the probation office and court fees get paid; restitution, child support, and the like always seems to get pushed to the side.

Jac @ Wuzzle Makes Three said...

Wow, I can't even begin to imagine what that must've been like.

I'm glad to hear that they were caught right away, but what a crappy "punishment" (if you can call it that!)

Rick (Ratty) said...

It seems that the court system never punishes people like that as much as they deserve. They never seem to take into account what the victims went through.

Iruha said...

that was scary..

keep lock the door and windows

Maria @ Conversations with Moms said...

I cannot even begin to imagine how you must have felt. I'm happy they got caught even though the punishment was a little pathetic.